Upcoming Events
Students must arrive by 6:00 pm.
Tickets: Each senior will receive fifteen (15) graduation tickets after Graduation Practice on Monday, May 23rd, 2022. Any additional tickets will be disbursed at the end of graduation practice.
Heards Ferry Elementary Senior Walk
Senior arrival: 12:45pm
Walk the halls of your former elementary school inspiring the younger kids and visiting former teachers. Meet in the lobby of the school in your cap and gown and have a great time!
Lake Forest Elementary Senior Walk
Senior arrival: 12:45pm
Walk the halls of your former elementary school inspiring the younger kids and visiting former teachers. Meet in the lobby of the school in your cap and gown and have a great time!
Senior Clearance, Blue Envelope, & Ticket Distribution
Pay outstanding fines & fees, turn in books & gear, finalize name pronunciation, pick up Blue Envelopes and receive graduation tickets.
*Mandatory for all seniors*
Contact: Sheri Buehner sheribuehner@gmail.com
Blue Envelopes
Don’t forget to pick up your Blue Envelope after you’ve completed Senior Clearance!
Spaulding Drive Elementary Senior Walk
Senior arrival: 8:25am
Walk the halls of your former elementary school inspiring the younger kids and visiting former teachers. Meet in the lobby of the school in your cap and gown and have a great time!
Prelude to Graduation
Senior arrival: 4:30pm
Prelude is a special time where Seniors and their families have the opportunity to reflect and reminisce on the last four years at Riverwood as we start graduation week. We look forward to sharing this truly special time together in our beautifully updated auditorium. Appropriate attire is requested.
Senior Celebration
Free food, fun, games and memories! We can’t wait to celebrate on the football field immediately after graduation practice. Bring a change of clothes and your yearbooks!
Graduation Practice
All Seniors should arrive to Riverwood beginning at 8:30a in the media center for a chicken biscuit. Buses will transport ALL Seniors to Ameris for graduation practice. No Seniors will be permitted to drive themselves to Ameris.
Dress code for graduation practice is as follows: Casual Attire - No Pajamas, No Short shorts, No ripped clothing. Bus transportation will be provided for all Seniors. Buses will depart at 9:15a from the front of Riverwood and return around 12:30p.
*Mandatory for all seniors participating in graduation*
Senior Breakfast
Get ready for a busy day by stopping by the Media Center and grabbing your free Chick-Fil-A biscuit!
High Point Elementary Senior Walk
Senior arrival: 12:45pm
Walk the halls of your former elementary school inspiring the younger kids and visiting former teachers. Meet in the lobby of the school in your cap and gown and have a great time!
PTSA General Membership Meeting 7/25 7:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
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Passcode: 865536
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Meeting ID: 862 6677 8836
Passcode: 865536
Raider Rally
It’s time for RAIDER RALLY!! Raider Rally is Riverwood’s Orientation day. Make sure you know what time to get there!